Opening to The French Connection 1979 VHS [Magnetic Video]

2015-11-11 6

Tape distributor: Magnetic Video [by arrangement with 20th Century-Fox] Original or reprint?: Reprint [Originally issued in the Fall 1977 launch; see .\r
Tape distributor: Fox Video Original / reprint: Reprint [first released by Magnetic Video in 1977] Date of printing: None The list of previews: 1. 1991 Fox Video .\r
Tape distributor: Magnetic Video [by arrangement with 20th Century-Fox] Original or reprint?: Original [Tape 1] Catalog number: 1057 Date of printing: None [end .\r
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED!!! Requested by Devinnytroy, TylerTristar2IsBack, Blurayfan19 and Clayton Condo. Heres the order: 1. Magnetic .